Thanks to our friend Grim Inc., we learned that new figures based on the ’80s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon are on the way. This initial wave contains six characters across four SCUs. Wave 1 includes Dungeon Master & Venger (Target exclusive), Bobby & Uni, Hank, and Diana. The figures are on 1:12 scale; most figures will be about 6″ tall.
It appears that Eric, Sheila, and Presto will be saved until Wave 2. In a surprising twist, Hasbro isn’t using the “build-a-figure” gimmick in this toy line. I would have expected the company to try to get you to collect all of them to build a scaled-down Tiamat or something similar.
Each figure comes with a few accessories and at least one die. For example, the $49 Dungeon Master & Venger two-pack includes a percentile die and giant d20. Meanwhile, the $24.99 figures come with the following: Hank gets a d8, Diana a d20, and Bobby has a d12. I don’t remember the dice playing a role in the cartoon, but ok.
Target has not put a release date on these figures yet.

Dungeons & Dragons had a decent run on TV during the 1980s. The show received three seasons with a total of 27 episodes. Rather than being a straight-up fantasy adventure, the show started with a group of kids from the “present day” being transported into the world of D&D thanks to a magical carney ride. That or the kids accidentally got some of the carnival workers’ black tar heroin mixed in with their corndogs.
Either way, the kids are seemingly trapped, with the only aid being the mysterious Dungeon Master. The diminutive wizard gifts each person in the group with a unique skill, weapon, or power. The series ended without a conclusion, but a final unproduced episode would have wrapped things up and would keep the door open for more adventuring opportunities.
The closest we ever came to getting a screen-accurate live-action version of the cartoon was when a Brazilian car advert premiered on TV a few years ago. Check it out below:
[Source: Target] [Source: Grim Inc.] strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.